To switch phones between users, please complete the following steps:
1. Make a note of the MAC address of the phone you want to relocate:
- Navigate to Call Manager > Device > Phone and find the desired phone using the user's Directory Number (DN)
- On the Phone Configuration page, find the MAC address of the phone.
2. Delete the Directory Number:
- Navigate to Call Manager > Call Routing > Directory Number and find the DN from the list.
- Select the DN and Delete
3. Create the new user and assign the phone
- Go to How to Create a New User and follow the instructions to create the new user.
- Go to How to Assign a Desk Phone to a User and follow the instructions till you get to the 'Manage Device' page.
- Select Find a Phone to Move to This User
- From the Show drop down list on the top right corner, select Advanced Filter.
- From the Filter drop down list from the top left corner, select Device Name and enter the MAC address you noted before in the empty box and press Go.
- Once you see the phone, select the phone and press Move Selected.