To add a new user with a new/existing extension, please complete the following steps:

1. Navigate to the Call Manager > User Management > User/Phone Add > Quick User/Phone Add

2. Click Add New

3. Fill in the User Information section with the related information.

  • The Last Name is mandatory
  • Feature Group Template: Click the box and select the suggested template.
  •  Leave User Rank as it is.

4. Under Access Control Group Membership section: 

  •  Select the Standard CCM End Users and Standard CTI Enabled groups.

5. Under Extensions section:

  • To add new extension press + button and then press New button and finally enter your desired Directory Number and press Add.
  • To select an existing extension, type in the directory number under Extension box and select the desired directory number.

6. Under Personal section:

  • In the Number Displayed in Directory field, type in the directory number you created/selected in the previous step.
  • In the Email field,  type in the user’s email address.

7. Press Save

Create Voicemail for the newly created User

1. Navigate to Unity Connection > Users > Import Users

2. From the Find End User In field select `CUCM or the pre-configured Active Directory

3. Hit Find

4. Select the newly created user from the Directory Search Results

5. Hit Import Selected